What do we know and what do we not know about the ‘CatalanGate’, the espionage with Pegasus to the independence movement?

The list published by The Citizen Lab, a multidisciplinary research group linked to the University of Toronto, and later collected by ‘The New Yorker’, includes 67 pro-independence politicians and social leaders. The phones of 63 of them had been infected with Pegasus, and another four with Candiru, a similar program. There are many illustrious names on the list, starting with the ‘president’ Pere Aragonès and his three predecessors in office: Quim Torra, Carles Puigdemont and Artur Mas. They are also the ‘vice president’ Jordi Puigneró; Laura Borràs, President of the Parliament; four pro-independence MEPs; two councilors from the Barcelona City Council (Ernest Maragall and Elsa Artadi); the leaders of the ANC and Òmnium, Elisenda Paluzie and Marcel Mauri; and up to 11 members from Junts, 12 from ERC, 4 from the CUP and one from the PNC.
