What do insurance companies pay for hail, thunderstorms etc.?

Severe storms in 2021 kept the emergency services in almost all federal states in suspense. Fallen trees had to be removed and flooded cellars pumped out. But it is far from over for those who suffered damage, because the storm damage is regulated by various insurance companies. According to Munich Re, natural forces caused insurance losses totaling 280 billion US dollars in 2021.

What does the insurance pay in the event of a storm?

According to CosmosDirekt, storm damage is covered by insurance from wind force 8. This begins at a wind speed between 62 and 74 kilometers per hour. The insurers orientate themselves on the information and observations of the German Weather Service as well as on damage that has occurred in the vicinity. In the event of storm damage, there are three main types of insurance that come into play: residential building, household contents and comprehensive insurance.

Residential building insurance kicks in if the roof is partially or completely covered, a branch flies through the window pane or the chimney collapses. If other buildings such as a garage or garden shed are affected, they are usually also insured against storm and hail damage, provided they are noted in the policy.

If heavy rain floods basements, damages walls or inventory, then the policy will help against elemental damage. However, this insurance cannot be taken out individually, but is part of a residential building or household contents insurance. Insurance cover usually also includes avalanches, landslides or earthquakes. However, with this additional protection, in most cases a deductible of ten percent of the damage amount must be borne.

damage to vehicles

If a car is damaged by fallen trees or falling roof tiles, the damage can be claimed through an existing partially comprehensive insurance policy, according to the “ADAC”. But here, too, a wind force of at least 8 is required. However, the partially comprehensive insurance does not cover driving into a tree that is already on the road. In these cases, fully comprehensive insurance is required.

Who pays for building shells?

Damage to houses occurs particularly frequently during the construction phase. Construction insurance covers the damage caused by the storm to the building shell and the construction site. This includes not only roofs or half-finished walls, but also barley and the material on the construction site itself.

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Image sources: ldutko / Shutterstock.com, Shutter_M / Shutterstock.com
