what ‘Died suddenly’ does (and doesn’t) show

Martin KeulemansNovember 29, 202211:33

What a nasty face. The strands look like tapeworms, some deep red and sticky, others pale and firm. “A bit like calamari,” is how British undertaker John O’Looney describes them.

Died suddenly, died suddenly, is the name of the movie I’m watching. The video caused something of a storm in the depths of the internet in recent days. A slick, professionally made documentary, but with a very contradictory message. Here it is: the corona vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna are purposefully made to kill people and thus prevent overpopulation. ‘Like a biological weapon’, says one of the speakers in the film.

A conspiracy documentary. One that goes too far even for most critics of the corona policy, I understand from the reactions. Because are we really to believe that doctors, pharmaceutical companies, regulators and governments have secretly agreed to put as many people to the sword as possible? And aren’t there better ways to curb population growth?

The calamari-like strings, they are the murder weapon. They are blood clots, shaped after the veins from which they originate. Since the corona vaccines have been administered, these wisps have been frequently pulled from the veins of the deceased, various funeral directors and embalmers claim in the documentary. With horrifying images.


It intrigues me. Apart from all the nonsense, those lumps are real. In sickening detail you see how they are pulled from the cadavers of the deceased. With dirty sounds and comments like: ‘My embalmer had trouble getting the liquid through this body.’

I decide to present the matter to Vincent Smit of the LUMC. Smit is a professor of pathology, head of the department and pathology trainer, so if anyone can interpret the clots, it’s him. When I send him some screenshots, he calls almost immediately. He recognizes them.

‘These are typical post-mortem clots, which we often see,’ says Smit. ‘You can recognize them by the shape, the partly white and partly red colour, and the typical, bacon-like structure,’ he explains. After death, the blood sometimes starts to clot to the wisps. ‘In some people this happens very exuberantly, in others it is not too bad’, says the pathologist. The white color can also be explained: it is the result of the sedimentation of the blood after death.

And no, these are not thrombi or thrombosis clots. They are harder, more brittle and are usually partly attached to the vessel wall, says Smit. ‘While you can pull these rubbery clots out quite easily as a whole. That is precisely the distinction we make in order to recognize thrombosis. You don’t get thrombi out of a blood vessel that easily.’

Two funeral directors

Would the death caretakers in the documentary (I count six) make this up? The case appears to go back to two funeral directors, the American Richard Hirschman and the British John O’Looney. They started a year ago about the wisps. Not in a trade journal or any other place where that would make sense, but on the American far-right conspiracy channel Info Wars, by multimillionaire Alex Jones. Foreign pathologists joined the fact-checks even then to the conclusion: nothing special, we see this so often.

But gradually, around the two embalmers, a conglomeration has arisen of others who also came up with dirty photos and videos. I’m looking for a few: these are people who were previously critical of corona policy in one way or another. And they contradict each other. One says that he finds the lumps in all cadavers, the other in one in seven. And while some insist that the lumps are a novelty, others say they are mainly larger than before.

The rest of the documentary isn’t much better. Shown pictures of babies who would have been deformed by vaccination, come from medical journals and pre-pandemic newspapers, I find out. The creepy videos, of which the documentary shows countless, of people who suddenly fall over on television or on a security camera, also turn out not to be what they seem after some searching. A fainting talk show host who had eaten too little. A surgeon who had been operating for hours. A falling man in Chinawhere a different vaccine is used.

Loose collection of gore images

This is how the horror documentary begins to crumble into what it really is: a loose collection of gore images, scary videos and angry interviews. Disinformation with only one political goal: to cheer things up. Against the Biden administration, against the health services, against everything and everyone who got it into their heads during corona to curtail the sacred freedom of the American right.

I think of those poor, unsuspecting people who have become worried after seeing the film. But I also think of the bodies I just saw. The cadavers, from which triumphantly white wisps were drawn, you have another clot. The next of kin who lost their partner or child and now see it again on the internet: you see, vaccination damage!

No mention for them in the title role. Even more repulsive than those already bloody clots, if you ask me.
