what awaits you from the new episodes of the tv series. About La7- iO Donna

S.keyboard on La7 the appointment is renewed (at 9.15 pm) with Dominates which sees the protagonist Kasia Smutniak in the role of Livia Drusillathird wife of Gaius / Augustus. The series, conceived by Simon Burk (Fortitude), the incredible follows story of the empress which redefined the aspirations that at that time could pursue womenending up marking the fortunes of the Roman Empire.

The appointment is with three other episodes (the 4th, 5th and 6th) in which Drusilla will find herself in difficulty due to the loss of yet another child. How will it consolidate the relationship with August if you can’t guarantee it an heir? We still follow the rise of Liviafrom a naive girl to an influential empress of Rome, driven by a deep desire for avenge the father and to guarantee power to the sons (Drusus and Tiberius). However, he will discover that the goal is not so much to conquer power, as to keep it.

Smutiniak and Favino protagonists of 'Wife and Husband'

Dominates. Episode 4 (Secrets)

We are in 25 a. C., the empress Livia is married to Gaius Julius Caesar Octavius and proved to be an excellent political shoulder for her husband and the balance of the empire. She is now due to her to reinforce his position by giving a son to Augustus.

Druisilla is pregnant but gives birth to a stillborn baby. A traumatic loss that does not do well to hope for its futuremoreover the woman discovers that he will no longer be able to have childrena dramatic discovery that could lead Augusto to ask for a divorce: What use can a woman have for the emperor if she cannot give him an heir? However theemperor decides not to divorce and you will see why.

Episode 5: Plague

23 a. C. Livia returns home to a Rome invaded by the plague. Gaius falls ill by opening one political crisis and above all a pressing question: who could be his successor? Livia is cornered. The friend Antigonea former black slave freed by Drusilla’s father on her wedding day, would like to help Augusto with the medical herbs he knows perfectlybut he is watched by his anxious sister Octavia. Antigone will find a way to help her friend Livia’s husband by putting more than one person in danger of life.

Meanwhile, the marriage between Marcello and Giulia is crumblingon the other hand it was predictable since Giulia was and is in love with Iullo. Apparently Marcello and his wife look like one perfect couple, but they have not yet been able to give Augustus a nephew.

Episode 6: Night shadows

Two months have passed since the plague. Marcellus surrounds himself with the same powerful political allies who plotted to assassinate Agrippa, Tiberius, and Drusus when Augustus was ill. Meanwhile Augusto is planning to formally adopt Marcello as his heir.

Livia must absolutely obstruct the idea of ​​her husband, at any cost. Together with her friend Antigone, she designs a plan that provides for the poisoning of the young man who is destined to become the future emperor. Livia is ready to do anything to guarantee power and a glorious future for their children.

