“What are you referring to now?”

Humberto Tan asked folk singer Tino Martin in his talk show last night about the use of alcohol and drugs. “I don’t need anything in the sense of… What are you referring to anyway?”


Despite the countless images of Tino Martin looking helpless on stage, he denied for a long time that he had a problem with keeping time. Those denials turned out to be of little value, because in his own Videoland documentary he admits to being a drunkard every now and then. And who knows what else will go into it…

‘Sometimes an asshole’

It was mentioned last night in the talk show by Humberto Tan. “How do you deal with it, Tino? You also received quite a lot of criticism, didn’t you? In your documentary your girlfriend is also quite hard on you. ‘You’re an asshole sometimes.’”

Tino agrees: “Yes, that is true. In my documentary I was clear about the fact that I made mistakes and that I hit my head not one, two or three, but two hundred times. At the same time, I wonder whether that is a bad thing, as long as you learn.”

Drink and drugs

Humberto then calls the animal by name. “That applies to you too, right? It’s about drinking, drugs.”

Tino: “Yes, yes. Things have been going well for a long time. I am not the type to say: ‘It will never happen to me again’, because I am 39 and someone recently asked me in an interview: ‘Will it never happen again from now on?’ Well, I’m 39, what do you think? Do you think I will go through life flawlessly from now on? I don’t think so.”

“Do you need that?”

Humberto: “Do you need it for your creativity?”

Is he asking here whether Tino has to sniff to be creative? Tino is shocked: “No, no. But anyway, I don’t need anything in the sense of… I don’t know what you’re referring to?”

Humberto: “No, no, but whether you… I mean: a drink…”

Not necessary

In any case, he doesn’t need that, says Tino. “No, I don’t need that for my creativity. I’m just a fun person and I used to go out to parties before I had to work. That is very simple: it is not very convenient, but that is a thing of the past.”

He concludes: “It’s not that I need it.”
