What are the works of art in the Quinta de Olivos

“The Quinta de Olivos is decorated by some paintings that have insurance for which all Argentines pay 2.6 million dollars. The truth is that, with a poor Argentina, with 1.3 million destitute children, it is absolutely irrational,” declared the presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni, at this morning’s press conference.

However, the media contradicted the official’s statements. Policy 05631270, of the insurer that depends on Banco Nación, offers coverage for “theft and similar risks” for 33 works that are exhibited at the Quinta de Olivos, has a value of 2,733,611 pesos. An amount considerably lower than that announced by the government official of Javier Milei.

The 33 artistic piecesamong which are works of Antonio Berni, Nicolás García Uriburu, Roberto Aizenberg and León Ferraribelong to the collection of the Argentine Chancellery and the Casa Rosada Museum, who loaned them to decorate the walls of the villa during the Fernández government. The works that hang in the presidential residence replaced those in the private collection of Mauricio Macri, that the former president took when he moved there during his term.

According to a journalistic report made in 2020, through a request to Access to Public Information, the Foreign Ministry lent 33 works of art to be hung in the presidential space of Olivos for a total value of 192,402,000 pesos. The final amount arises from the appraisal of each piece that appears in the document that certifies the loan at that time. “Objects must be kept in a fire-proof building under 24-hour physical or electronic security, and protected from unusual temperatures and humidity, excessive light, insects, worms, dust or any other environmental hazard,” the clause determined.

Quinta de Olivos

Among the most expensive works that were transferred to the Peronist presidency is “Decorative composition” by Lino Spilimbergo, which has an appraisal of 53,550,000 pesos. It follows “Blank Book” by Emilio Pettoruti with 50,400,000 pesos and “Portrait of the composer” by Alfredo Guttero whose value is estimated at 15,750,000 pesos. The majority are works by Argentine artists who worked from the 1920s to 1960, with certain exceptions such as Leon Ferrari (Untitled – with a value of 6,300,000 pesos) and Nicolás García Uriburu (South valued at 5,040,000 pesos).

The collection of works of art Ministry of Foreign Affairs The majority was formed during the term of the chancellor Guido Di Tella in the presidency of Carlos Saúl Menem. The gallery owner and cultural manager, Teresa Anchorena, She was in charge of selecting the paintings that were purchased for the government agency in those years.

Quinta de Olivos

In addition to the paintings mentioned, the presidential collection has works of art by Antonio Berni, “The Last Payador” and “Juanito Hunting Little Birds”, each valued at 2,205,000 pesos. Also the works of Victor Grippo: “Configuration”, “Towards an order”, “Out of orbit” and “Sphere. Version II”; all of them quoted at 1,890,000 pesos. The paintings “Vertical Labyrinth” and “Vertical Labyrinth I” by Miguel Vidal They are located on the walls and have a value of 1,134,000 pesos.

Completing the list of high values, works such as “Composition with Tweety” and “Composition” of Juan Del Prete (estimated at 1,200,00 and 3,150,000 pesos). Alfredo Hlito is present with his paintings “Theme in the rhombus” (3,150,000 pesos) and “Interpolation” (2,520,000 pesos), along with “Interior” by Fortunato Lacámera (3,150,000 pesos). The renowned paintings “Author du blanc” (2,835,000 pesos) and Andes Steps (1,512,000 pesos) of Miguel Ocampo They are in the exclusive list of appreciation.

Quinta de Olivos

Finally, emblematic productions by visual art professionals such as Tomás Maldonado, Carlos Gorriarena and Edgardo Giménez, also They are some of those chosen to decorate the walls of the main presidential residence.

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