what are the trends in the e-commerce sector in 2022?

Since the start of the health crisis, e-commerce has become the preferred mode of consumption for many buyers. If some of them were already in the habit of making purchases online, this is now definitely rooted in their consumption habits.

However, their preferences and expectations are changing rapidly. To adapt to these constant changes, e-commerce players must keep an eye on the latest dynamics in the sector. In this way, they can anticipate the needs of buyers and provide them with the appropriate answers and solutions.

In the same category

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Twitter Shops: the e-commerce card once again played by Twitter

To know the trends of e-commerce in 2022, Bloomreach, the world’s first Commerce Experience Cloud, invites you to participate in its quarterly webinar, Commerce Pulse. This conference, which will be held in English, will be held on Tuesday March 29, 2022 at 6 p.m.


Take advantage of major trends

To uncover new market dynamics, Bloomreach analyzed data from more than 500 companies using its services. The e-commerce specialist took an interest in their online purchasing behavior in order to identify changes in their consumption habits.

By attending this webinar, you will discover many metrics that will help you understand e-commerce trends in 2022. E-commerce experts will decipher the key figures and explain what this means for KPIs, certain geographies specific or specific user segments.

Thanks to this data, you will be able to make informed business and marketing decisions, in particular to improve your customer experience. On this point, consumer needs are changing very rapidly. Now they want a single, seamless experience across all channels. During this webinar, the speakers will share their expert views on their new preferences and priorities. They will explain to you how to satisfy them.


Understand consumer preferences

Every month, consumers purchase several types of products online. Clothing and shoes, electronic devices, cosmetics… Some product categories are more popular than others. During this conference, e-commerce experts will reveal to you what are the most purchased items online. This way, you will be one step ahead of changing consumer desires. This is essential for any entrepreneur who wants to start a new business and for companies who want to evolve their offers.

To learn in detail about the trends of 2022, several specialists in e-commerce will lead the conference on March 29, including three experts operating at Bloomreach: Brian Walker, Director of Strategy, Michelle DeMaio, Head of Corporate Communications and Jean Lestréhan, Marketing automation specialist. They will be joined by Hugh Fletcher, Global Marketing Director and Naji El-Arifi, Head of Innovation at Wunderman Thompson, a marketing communications agency. The six experts will share with you their vision on the evolution of the e-commerce market.

This webinar allows you to quickly learn about the major changes taking place in the e-commerce sector. During the forty-five minutes of the conference, participants obtain actionable information to set up their future sales and marketing strategies. To know the face of e-commerce in 2022, Do not forget to subscribe.

