What are the tips to cook fish well and better?

“It is necessary that the fishmongers begin to build trust in citizens through quality. From the cooks’ side, we have to communicate how the fish is used. People don’t know how to clean it, how to use it. We have to bring knowledge of how to consume it, how to work with it, how to store it. And above all, from which areas and which places is it better to consume, at what times”, is the recommendation of Pedro Bargerochef specialized in the diffusion of Atlantic and river fishing.

In a country with a latent and predominant gastronomy of agro-livestock origin, maritime cuisine is considered an unknown factor that is reduced to less than a dozen dishes that include hake, squid rings or some seasonal fish. Many times ignorance and lack of information on recipes and advice, to prepare tasty meals, is the factor of this shortcoming.

“To cook at home you have to choose very carefully where you buy the fish, it has to be very fresh. If they come frozen you have to know very well the date on which the fish was frozen. always buy the fish as whole as possible protect quality. don’t cook them too much, a grilled fish with a little olive oil is already spectacular. With the casings you can make funds to freeze and then use in rice dishes, for example. The fish is super noble, everything is used, nothing is thrown away. The cheeks are eaten, the heads are eaten, the skeleton for broths is amazing. Until the scales can be fried and are super crispy”, recommends the chef, who currently works at Mooring Project federal kitchen (ex-Chila).

Fish dish by chef Pedro Barguero

In this regard, Barguero suggests: “Understanding that fish are perfect to eat rawdo not overcook the fish, you must Lose the fear of it being raw or half raw. Fish is eaten at 45 degrees, it’s not like meat. You have to think carefully about the pans or surfaces where you are going to cook, you have to choose some where the fish does not stick, because that is where product waste is generated and mistreated”.

In the city of Buenos Aires, several spaces with excellent gastronomic practices in the edible use of fish and shellfish stand out. In this regard, the restaurant cochin china, with a notable Asian influence in its dishes, develops a gourmet culinary treatment for visitors. The space, coordinated by Ines de los Santoshas a team of cooks that emphasizes the fish season in the Argentine Sea, and that it is already a trend in other places.


But it is not the only place that has this trend. “The link with the sea and the river is very strong, the initial purpose of Yoke is to be able to generate visibility and work with respect to all the products that gives us the Atlantic and all the rivers of Argentina. Our mission is to promote the consumption of fish, shellfish and seaweed, bringing it closer to people in a new way, generating an experience in which learning is the common thread”, explains Barguero, who will be in charge as executive chef of the brand new Yugo restaurantwhich will open in August this year.


Finally, eating fish and shellfish has a certain style. “The space proposal of Yugo is omakase, a bar where people eat. We seek to create a space in which the kitchen and living room are the same universe and people can see everything that happens in the kitchen and be part of the experience”, explains the chef and, focusing on the maritime menu, adds: “The open temaki of smoked pacu, trout nigiri and I also highlight the base of funds and broths that is generated from the algae and the umami of sea products”.

by RN

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