What are the most affectionate dogs

06/21/2023 at 2:56 p.m.


One of the characteristics to take into account when adopting a dog is if it is affectionate with family members.

We tell you which are the 5 that stand out the most

adopting a dog is an important decision in family life but also in that of the dog itself, because the changes it will experience will be substantial, which is why it is important that the temperaments of the owners and the dog are compatible. the happiness of the dog it will depend relationships established at home.

If you are thinking of adopting a dog for many it is important that is not an affectionate breed with family members, We leave you a list of those breeds that are more affectionate, ideal if you want a cuddly dog.

Golden Retriever, adored by all

the golden retriever is a sure hitit’s a dog very playful but not noisyIt is also one of the most popular and adored breeds by families. His character is very balanced, it is not a secret to anyone that the golden retriever It is one of the most cuddly and adorable dogs that we can find.

They are always willing to play, and they are very open with strangers, as well as kind, noble and intelligent who, in addition to being one of the most affectionate, barks the least and is not at all aggressive. He is the perfect companion for the whole family.

The breeds that bark less

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Pug, darling in small size

the pug It stands out that they have a very calm and kind character, they enjoy being close to their dream, to which they will always give unlimited affection and love. It has always been said that small breeds are the ones that bark the most but the pug is the exception to the norm.

It is one of the calmest breeds, He will have no problem adapting well to your apartment and bark very little, making the pug the perfect dog for someone who lives in a busy city. The pugsor they need too much exercise and their character is very calmvery rarely you will hear him bark.

The breeds that bark less

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German shepherd, a noble companion

A German shepherd, due to his body, can impose a lot, but he is one of the best guardians we can find, besides being very docile and they love to be with their owners.

They are very intelligent, so it will be very easy to train them: they are very friendly with children but can be suspicious of strangers, which makes them the perfect watchdogs.

How to know if your German shepherd is a breed

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Maltese bichon, the perfect company

One of the most familiar, this breed will always want caresses and play, and it will be the first to show affection to its owners, which makes it one of the most outstanding dogs. The Maltese is ideal both for the smallest of the house and for the elderly, an element that makes it one of the breeds most chosen by families.

What is the character of the Maltese bichon? Discover what are the traits and temperament of these little dogs

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Dalmatian, love of moles

Dalmatians are very active and they are always willing to play and run with their owners. This type of dog is very affectionate and enjoys being with his family, evencould become depressed if he does not spend enough time with his owners.

Always is ready to give and receive love but he needs a lot of physical activity if he can’t become anxious.

Dalmatian: one of the most affectionate breeds

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if you were wondering which are the most affectionate dogs, these are 5 that stand out the most. Try to spend time with your pet and create a healthy bond for a happy coexistence.
