What are the mistakes when trying to sleep well

One study found that people who normally sleep well may have problems falling asleep if they are stressed. In this regard, individuals with insomnia usually resort to thoughts before falling asleep and tend to be more focused on planning and problem solving.

Even in research with 400 young adults It was observed how watching television can affect sleep. The researchers found that the highest levels of compulsive viewing are associated with poor sleep quality, more fatigue, and an increase in insomnia symptoms.

On the other hand, cognitive refocusing, developed by the American psychologist and researcher Les Gellis, seeks to distract the subject with pleasant thoughts before going to bed. In that case, choose an engaging cognitive taskwith sufficient scope and breadth to maintain interest and attention, without causing physical or emotional excitement.

A study of people with insomnia found that those who tried the cognitive refocusing experienced a significant improvement in insomnia symptoms compared to the control group. “No matter what you choose, make sure it’s something that suits you and your interests. The task needs to be pleasant, without being too stimulating,” the experts told The Conversation portal.


Another way is the practice of meditation, which can increase self-awareness. Training in this discipline can help you recognize and avoid when you enter a spiral of ruminative thoughts. Different research has shown that therapies based on mindfulness can help combat insomnia.

The Australian Melinda Jacksonassociate professor of Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health of the Monash University, advised the following steps: “Keep a consistent bedtime routine, so your brain can relax. Write down your worries at some point during the day, so you don’t think about them when you go to bed. Have a consistent bedtime, reduce technology use at night, and exercise regularly during the day.”

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