What are the human traits that AI cannot imitate

“From the hypersonic development of artificial intelligence, there is a new element, perhaps the fifth element, which is made neither of earth, nor of fire, nor of air, nor of water. It is the anti-life, the artificial intelligence that forces humanity to confront a superpower that it has created itself”, highlighted the journalist and philosopher Agustin Fernandes Cabel toThe Conversation portal.

According to the Argentine academic, one of the notable aspects that separates humans from artificial intelligences is the spontaneous generation of actions and knowledge. In this aspect, this impulse of the human being is a spontaneous creator of everything. “A person can wake up one day and imagine an idea, a story or a poem, a creative thought. Currently, there is no artificial intelligence that generates knowledge or performs actions spontaneously”, explained the philosopher.

In an article published in the journal Nature, scientists Miguel Aguilera and Manuel Bedia of the Zaragoza’s University They concluded that it is possible to reach an intelligence that generates mechanisms to adapt to the circumstances. This might look like spontaneous action, but it is far from being an act of your own free will. Every action carried out by an artificial intelligence is designed and programmed by a person.

The second big difference is ethics. Artificial intelligence does not have ethics by itself, but must be instilled in it. They only follow pre-established parameters, clear and precise rules of what they must do. But ethics is more than a regulation, it goes beyond a guide. “Ethics is, nothing more and nothing less, the discernment between good and evil. Those who do have ethics are the people who program the machines and artificial intelligences. A machine is not good or bad. It is effective”, highlighted Fernandes Cabel.

What are the human traits that AI cannot imitate

in his book “Intention”, the philosopher Elizabeth Anscombe argues that the intention it cannot be reduced to mere desires or internal psychological states. Anscombe argues that intention is an essential characteristic of action and that it is intrinsically related to moral responsibility. Lacking ethics and morals, artificial intelligence lacks intention. The intention remains circumscribed to the programmer.

“The differences are clear. AIs have no experiences. They have no history. They have no psychology or psychological problems. They have no remorse for their actions (a fundamental aspect of the ethics and morals section). They do not love nor are they loved. They do not suffer or feel pain. They have no opinion of their own, because nothing is their own. Yeah ChatGPT goes out of fashion and is not consulted, its existence is useless. It only exists if it is useful to the human being. It has no identity. Their identity is a human construction” warned the academic of the University of Santiago Compostela for digital publishing.

What are the human traits that AI cannot imitate

Finally, Fernandes Cabel concluded: “AI can also be destructive. It can lead not only to the end of millions of jobs around the world, but also to a tiny position in the productive world, without getting into sci-fi apocalyptic speculations. After all, it depends on the human being himself. It is in our hands to use it as a constructive or destructive tool”.

Source BBC World

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