What are the healthiest times to eat?

The healthy nutrition It is key to maintaining adequate health conditions. For this reason, people’s concern focuses on how much and what is eaten, but not so much at what time of day to do it. According to specialists, Meal timing also plays an important role. to stay healthy.

Science has shown that setting the best time of day to eat can be a strategy to combat type 2 diabetes, heart disease and obesity. In this regard, getting used to a schedule to eat the most important meals of the day is part of a healthy lifestyle, since the body has a biological system in all the cells that control the schedules for sleeping, releasing hormones, and even eating.

“The ideal is to adjust meal times to sunlight hours. There is a very interesting branch called “Chrono nutrition”, which promotes the consumption of food while the sun is out. The important thing is to gradually improve these hours of consumption, without abrupt changes, to the hours of light. Here, in Argentina, we are accustomed to a very late dinner that would not be healthy, but, with the possibilities that exist, moving dinner forward by half an hour or an hour, or while the sun is out, would be ideal”, explains the Argentine nutritionist. candela lepera.

The hours in which food is ingested is key because this is how the body and metabolism can carry out the process to digest and transform food into essential nutrients for the normal functioning of the organism. According to an article published by the digital media Business Insiderwhen it comes to breakfast, it is advisable to delay it one hour after the person gets up, as indicated by Constance Brown-Riggsspokesperson for the american academy of nutritionists and dietitians.

  What are the healthiest times to eat?

Regarding this food, a study carried out by the University of Telaviv, indicates that before 9:30 am the body metabolizes the first meal of the day better, so if the person gets up late, the ideal is not to wait long for breakfast. Similarly, it is recommended that this first meal not be eaten after 10:00 am because, according to experts, for example, the insulin that regulates blood sugar is higher in the morning.

Therefore, when a person eats early, they set a sugar and energy charge for the rest of the day. On the other hand, a study conducted by the Harvard and Murcia universitiespublished in the magazine International Journal of Obesity, indicates that eating at odd hours has an impact on the biological clock and favors health problems such as obesity. In this investigation it is determined that eating later than 3 pm also hinders weight loss. Therefore, consider that the ideal time for lunch is between 12:30 and 1:30 p.m.

On the other hand, in relation to nighttime hours and metabolism, Lepera warns: “When one thinks of eating food at night, or even being awake at night, this would not help metabolism. And not only with the metabolic part, but with the secretion of hormones. In Argentina, we have a pattern of four meals. The important thing is to do a diet as personalized as possible, but, if you have to ignore any, perhaps the snack to advance dinner. It is best to hold four meal pattern, avoid snacking and wait four hours between meals. This is how digestive rest is taken care of. It is also being considered that 12-hour overnight fasts can help digestion.

  What are the healthiest times to eat?

In this regard, an article published in the International Journal of Obesity states that the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar slows down at night and this explains why people who work nights are at greater risk of gaining weight or suffering from diseases such as diabetes. Experts indicate that among the best foods for dinner are fish, fruits, nuts and poultry, which contain high levels of an amino acid called tryptophan, which helps secrete serotonin and melatoninwhich are relaxing and sleep-inducing and convert fatty acids into energy.

Think of a breakfast at nine, lunch like one in the afternoon and dinner, ideally, would be at nineteen hours. It also arises when a person chooses to fast, to do it gradually and together with a health professional”, concludes the nutritionist Lepera.

by RN

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