What are the healthiest cities?

The recognition is part of an initiative founded in 2017: the Alliance for Healthy Cities. It is a global network of 70 cities working together to prevent noncommunicable diseases such as stroke, heart attack, diabetes, and injury.

The distinction recognizes the best “healthy cities” who are committed to health habits and prevention. On this occasion, the organization awarded five urban destinations in the world in recognition “for their achievements in the prevention of non-communicable diseases and injuries.”

Three of the five outstanding metropolises belong to the American continent. The cities recognized in the development of customs to improve the standard of living are: Montevideo, In uruguay; Vancouverin Canada and the Federal District of Mexico. Each of which will receive $150,000 to continue working and deepening the changes that have been implemented and are already having good results.

Michael Bloombergfounder Bloomberg Philanthropies, former mayor of New York City and EWHO global ambassador for noncommunicable diseases and injuries, noted: “Noncommunicable diseases and injuries are the number one threat to global public health. Mayors around the world are increasingly coming together to address them, and the Healthy Cities Alliance will continue to support their urgent and vital work.”

According to statistics from the network, it is taken into account that non-communicable diseases and injuries are responsible for more than 80 percent of all deaths in the world. This is considered because the majority of the world’s population currently lives in urban environmentsso the authorities maintain to guarantee the health and well-being of citizens.

“The recognized cities show that mayors can drive powerful progress to protect the health of their citizens,” said the doctor.r Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, CEO of the World Health Organization. The other renowned metropolises that complete the top five are Athens, in Greece, for increasing access to naloxone, a medication to treat opioid overdose, and Bengaluru, in southern India, for reducing tobacco use in places public, among other achievements.


In Latin American towns, the proposal was focused on several points that required certain urgent treatments. Mexico City was chosen for improving road safety and safe and active mobility. He did this by setting up bike lanes on busy streets. It is essential that the use of the bicycle is a practice that counteracts a sedentary lifestyle and had a measurable impact on the population.

Montevideo, for its part, was awarded for having established nutritional standards for the preparation and sale of food in the offices of government agencies and some public universities. She also focused on salt reduction policies and in developing campaigns in the media and educational material.

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