What are the foods that improve brain activity?

“There are foods that can improve mood, sharpen memory and help the brain work more efficiently,” he said. Uma Naidoo, nutritional psychiatrist and professor at the Harvard University School of Medicine (United States), to the BBC portal and added: “Mental health and diet are linked in the same way as the brain and the intestine, in a relationship that has important consequences for the organism.”

According to the specialist, one of the biological foundations to understand isThe relationship has to do with the fact that the brain and the intestine have their origin in the same cells of the embryo and they remain connected as the human being develops. In this sense, they communicate in both directions by sending chemical messages and it is estimated that between 90 and 95% of serotonina neurotransmitter involved in appetite regulation and other functions, is produced in the intestine.

However, if the diet is not healthy, the intestine becomes inflamed and suffers the consequences of a poor diet. This influences the development of anxiety, inattention and diseases such as depression. For this reason, the more care is taken with food and the intestine, the more mental health is protected. “This is an emerging field that is beginning to expand,” the specialist told the British media.

In October 2022, the same expert had pointed out to the portal about the benefits of vitamin B to keep the brain young and healthy, especially the B-12, B-9 and B-1. On that occasion, the psychiatrist referred to a selection of foods that she considers beneficial for improving mood and strengthening brain power.


Spices are known for their antioxidant properties. Some, like turmeric, have beneficial effects in reducing anxiety. The curcumin, The active ingredient in turmeric may decrease anxiety by changing brain chemistry and protecting the hippocampus. Another recommended spice is the saffronwhich research has shown to have ameliorating effects in major depressive disorder.

fermented foods

fermented foods

There is a wide variety of fermented foods. The best known are natural yogurt with active cultures, sauerkraut, kimchi and kombucha. What they have in common are sources of live bacteria that can improve bowel function and decrease anxiety. According to the doctor, an analysis of 45 studies carried out in 2016 showed that fermented foods can protect the brain, improving memory and slowing the rate of cognitive decline, says the doctor.



The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of fatty acids Omega 3 in walnuts show great promise for improving thinking and memory. On the other hand, nuts have healthy fats and oils that our brain needs to function well, along with essential vitamins and minerals, such as selenium in Brazil nuts.

Bitter chocolate

Bitter chocolate

Dark chocolate is a excellent source of iron It helps form the covering that protects neurons and helps control the synthesis of chemicals that influence mood. In a survey carried out among more than 13,000 adults, in 2019, it was found that people who eat dark chocolate regularly have a 70% less risk of depressive symptoms.



With relatively high amounts of magnesium, which is important for brain function, avocados are another source of wellness. There are countless analyzes suggesting that depression is related to magnesium deficiency. Various case studies in which patients were treated with a dose between 125 to 300 milligrams of magnesium showed faster recovery from depressive disorder.

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