What are the flavors of teas that improve health?

Medicinal teas are everywhere, from diet stores to bars to supermarkets. Their consumption offers relief from heavy digestion or intestinal disorders, but there are even those who resort to them for their supposed curative power for more complex diseases such as diabetes or to lower cholesterol.

The scientific literature on the benefits of chamomile It is abundant, and although many of these studies are not conclusive, they do suggest beneficial effects at the intestinal level. The consumption of this medicinal plant dates back to the Ancient Greecespecifically due to its relaxing effects on the digestive system and as a reducer of stomach acidity.

According to specialists on the subject, a cup of chamomile infusion can reduce gases produced by heavy digestion. Furthermore, in case of abdominal cramps, it will also relieve them, in part, thanks to its relaxing effect on the intestinal muscles. In some women, better control of menstrual pain has been seen thanks to this infusion.

The studies on the ginger They are abundant and with much clearer results. This root contains 400 different compounds and a large amount of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties, vitamins, minerals and phytosterols. According to experts, a ginger infusion can be of great help in relieving mild nausea and vomiting.

Healthy teas

It also helps increase stomach emptying, so it will be very useful in heavy digestion, helping to reduce abdominal pain. The antibacterial properties, for their part, can serve to reduce the bacteria in the mouth that cause gingivitis or even some intestinal infections.

In the case of pennyroyal and mintTo date, there is no relevant number of solid scientific studies that confirm its medicinal properties, but carminative and antispasmodic properties are suggested. What the studies indicate is that its infusion could be useful to prevent the formation of gases in the intestine and to facilitate its evacuation, in addition to slightly reducing intestinal cramps.

Healthy teas

The turmericfrom India, has been called the natural ibuprofen. The curcumin, the ingredient to which all the beneficial and healing properties are attributed, but, at the same time, it is unstable and complicated to study in the laboratory. From what has been investigated to date, the benefits that a turmeric infusion would bring us would not go beyond a certain antioxidant effect.

Beyond the healthy and medical effects, much in the research stage, the consumption of these drinks as teas or infusions are recommended, delicious and worth knowing.

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