what are the false myths to dispel – iO Donna

THEthe black cat in many parts of the world he is surrounded by prejudice and legends that find no basis in reality. In Italyin particular, in the Middle Ages they were set on fire together with the witches. The August 17th is celebrated on Black Cat Dayan opportunity for overcome prejudices and false myths that concern felines in general, not just black ones. But whatever color he has, whatever race he is, he is sure to bring love to any family. So let’s try, together with the expert, to clarify and understand how to best welcome a feline.

Most independent pet?

“I would like to debunk this urban myth. The cat, as I always say, is much more “dog” than you think: desires the master and his closeness and in fact it reflects the habitual style of man. We are used to one stereotype of selfish and careless animalas in the Walt Disney cartoons, but I can say with certainty that it is not like this», reassures the Doctor Vincenzo Appicciutoli, Veterinarian.

How to choose based on race

«The difference between one breed and another, in a broad sense, is always of a predictive order: in addition to the somatic characteristics, each breed has behavioral characteristics. A Siamese he is a “talkative” cat and ambushes. A Persian or an American exotic they are very docile, non-aggressive, calm and on the average static. A Sphinxthe “naked” cat, is very “dog”. A British it’s character, a Siberian or a Norwegian they are independent and reflective. And finally a Bengal he’s a bit of a rowdy rebel, but always very sweet,” explains the expert.

The 5 tips for a cat-friendly home

European cats: the character differences

“If you choose to adopt a European cat, here’s broadly what you should expect. The classic tigersespecially the boys, are in my opinion very intelligent, perhaps the most intelligent, and sweet. The distinctly red cats they are not very docile and on the average rebellious. Finally, the so-called “tortoise scale” they are of an absolutely non-conciliatory nature and on average a little aggressive», continues Doctor Appicciutoli.

Dog and cat: how to get them to get along

«In my opinion there is a golden rule: if you want to bring a dog into a cat’s house or vice versa it is good that the last arrival is a puppy. This will give the already existing animal a chance to establish the right hierarchical rules and then everything will come of its own accord with a serene and cordial relationship, like between brothers. It may also happen that the latest arrival will command. Another element to follow is don’t interfere too much in their relationshipbut let it be: the two, with their times and their ways, they will find agreement and they will live in harmony. Between two adults, however, the road will potentially be more difficult and long», recommends the expert.

Cat: the animal for everyone

“The cat is like a dress for all seasons. Not everyone has the propensity for cats and this is an absolutely subjective element, but very often this sort of initial or atavistic aversion is overcome easily. In fact, many people initially averse to their presence, who find themselves living with it for a thousand reasons, mathematically change their mind and they then find themselves to be its greatest supporters. To all the people not inclined to the stereotype of the cat I always say: “You try and you will see: the cat he is much more “dog” than he thinks, in terms of affectionateness and abnegation to the master», concludes Doctor Appicciutoli.

