What are the chances that Peter Gillis will be convicted? ‘100 percent!’

Peter Gillis has persuaded the judge that Nicol Kremers must adhere to the confidentiality obligation signed by them together. But he who laughs last, laughs best…


Nicol Kremers plans to publish a book about her life with Peter Gillis, but he was good enough to get her to sign a confidentiality agreement and the judge has ordered her to adhere to it. Very bad, says Nicol, because she believes that this makes it very easy to silence victims of domestic violence.

Everyone has their way

She signed that entire statement under duress, Nicol believes. She tells RTL Boulevard: “It should never happen that victims and perpetrators make such a settlement agreement with each other to ensure that there is silence about domestic violence.”

Rob Goossens does an Evert Santegoed thing in the Boulevard studio and casually calls the judge’s decision ‘quite well considered’. “I think this way everyone has their way.”

Home tennis

An insane comment, says colleague Miljuschka Witzenhausen. “Yes, do you really? Imagine: you are regularly played tennis in your house, imagine that that is the situation, and then you are pressured to sign a non-disclosure agreement, perhaps with or without a financial reward.”

She continues: “But the person who plays tennis through the house is sitting opposite you. Then you sign it, probably under a bit of pressure.”

Under pressure

It appears that there was also a financial reward for that statement. Miljuschka: “Yes, and then you may also need those financial resources at that time. Of course she has children and now you want to press charges because of the things that allegedly happened, but you are not allowed to talk about it and you become mentally retarded. [mishandeld].”

Daphne Bunskoek: “But maybe if there is a ruling.”

100 percent

Probably, says crime reporter Jermaine Ellenkamp. “Those declarations have already been made. The justice department is conducting an investigation and the chance that Peter Gillis will be prosecuted for this is almost 100 percent, so that will continue and perhaps she will be allowed to talk after that ruling, because then it will be a fact.”
