What are the advantages of washing your hair every day?

He shampoo cleanses the scalp and hair by removing environmental pollutants like dust and pollen. In addition to dandruff, sweat and other cosmetic care products. It also dissolves sebum, an oily, waxy substance produced by sebaceous glands near hair follicles.

“The convenience of lathering your hair every day depends on several factors, the texture of the hair, its level of fat, the degree of processing, lifestyle and age,” he explained. Murad Alamvice president of the department of dermatology at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.

Alam noted that people with thin hair may also find it getting greasy more quickly, because they have less hair to absorb the sebum. In that case, daily washing might be warranted. “It may also be necessary,” said the specialist to The New York Times portal and added: “If you frequently use products such as gels, which tend to accumulate on the scalp and cause irritation, since they clog the hair follicles.”

According to Rosemary Ingleton, assistant clinical professor of dermatology Mount Sinai Hospital of New York, sebum prevents the scalp from becoming too dry and protects the skin from infection. “Shampooing every day may be the best option for people with oily scalps. Well, it is possible that the sebum accumulates and makes the hair limp, greasy and smelly, ”say the experts.

What are the advantages of washing your hair every day?

“Chemical treatments, such as dyes and relaxers, make the hair shaft more prone to damage,” Alam said, also cautioning: “Some medications, such as statins, antihistamines and diuretics, they can also increase the dryness of the skin and scalp. If you take them, wash your hair with a mild shampoo that contains moisturizers to prevent dryness and irritation.”

On the other hand, age also influences the frequency of washing. Sebum production usually slows in early childhood, spikes at puberty, levels off in adulthood, and gradually slows after age 70. Also, for people who exercise regularly and sweat excessively, the salt from sweat can clog pores and hair follicles. In this case, daily washing or rinsing is required to remove salt and secretions. As for drying, air drying is recommended whenever possible.

What are the advantages of washing your hair every day?

Both experts agree that each type of scalp requires specific guidelines when washing it. On dry hair it is advisable to leave it unwashed for two to three days. Being a scalp that is low in natural fat, it will need to be generated. Therefore, when washing it daily, it remains unprotected for too long.

Different, if the hair is oily, washing will be required every other day. “One day you wash yourself with a shampoo with neutral pH and, two days later, with a purifying or anti-grease one to do a more in-depth wash. But it is not convenient to wash it daily. That scalp needs to have that fat,” the experts conclude.

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