What are the 50 brands that win the hearts of consumers?

The evolution of social networks is such that it is difficult for brands to follow each of the new trends. In a report published a few days ago, Hootsuite and Talkwalker analyze how, in this frantic race to attract the attention of Internet users, brands still manage to be appreciated by their communities. In this report, the two social media specialists go way beyond liking, sharing and commenting. The report shows that “loved brands” have fully understood the nuances of each social network and are able to use them in ways that enhance their users’ experience.


Creativity and sustainability: two criteria for becoming a Love Brand

Conducted using Talkwalker’s Consumer Intelligence Acceleration PlatformTM, a technology capable of measuring consumer sentiment and engagement from social media data, the report from Hootsuite and Talkwalker shows just how important creativity is. This criterion is simply essential to be part of the brands appreciated by Internet users. “Beloved brands” take creative risks and don’t just grab attention. By downloading this free reportyou will discover concrete examples, which could give you some food for thought for your own strategy.

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In 2022, faced with a changing and complex environment, most brands have focused on topics related to the environment and the protection of the planet. According to the report, the 50 most loved brands in 2022 have been able to capture these topics and are even considered as “leaders in environmental, social and economic sustainability”. In this report, you will discover in particular why sustainability is becoming so important in brand communication. Traditional marketing strategies no longer work. Internet users’ expectations have changed. The relationship between the consumer and the brand is no longer the same. Global uncertainty, largely related to the pandemic, has changed consumer outlook and expectations.


Discover the 50 most loved brands

In the Hootsuite and Talkwalker report looked at the techniques of the 50 brands that arouse the love of consumers. By downloading it, you will discover in particular:

  • The 3 pillars of sustainability
  • Which brands are sparking local love?
  • Hootsuite’s tips for building love for your brand

The report shows that consumers are increasingly inclined to abandon brands that do not meet their expectations. This is why brands that aspire to a certain loyalty must “focus on creating strong emotional bonds with their community”. Personalization is also a strong consideration for 71% of consumers who expect companies to offer “personalized interactions”. Finally, brands that focus on trust are also rewarded. This is a decisive factor, which is now on the same level as quality and price when making a purchase decision.

Being a beloved brand has many benefits. By getting closer to your consumers, you have data that reveals what really matters to them. Don’t forget to download the report to inspire you with the social media strategies of the best brands in the world.

