What are the 5 most dangerous tourist spots

Those who love to travel do not always want to tour the big metropolises, but also experience the adventure of traveling to an exotic place. However, this desire to know can cost them dearly, because there are places that are as interesting as they are dangerous to visit.

The Lake Nyosfor example, is a volcanic crater lake that lies near the Mount Okoua dormant volcano Cameroon. The landscape of Lake Nyos is impressive, but also deadly. One night in August 1986, a cloud of carbon dioxide escaping from the lake killed 1,700 people within a 15-mile radius. The emanation was caused by the water of the lake, being saturated with carbon dioxide that leaked from the underground springs, and it is believed that this was caused by an earthquake or landslide.

Lake Nyos

Another example is the Jacob’s Wellin the city of Wimberly, in Texas, United States. It is one of the most dangerous underwater cave systems in the world. Despite this, tourists like to go bathing in the mouth of its well, which is four meters in diameter, while divers prefer to explore the depths of its tunnels. Eight people have drowned trying this, between 1979 and 2000.

Jacob's Well
Jacob’s Well

On the coast of the state of Sao Paulo, Brazilis also the Island of Queimadaalso known as Island of Cobras (“Island of the cobras”, in Portuguese). And the name indicates everything: beyond the fact that it is a tropical paradise, it is also home to a particular type of snake, one of the most poisonous in the world: the Burnt Island snake. Its venom can cause hemorrhages, necrosis and kidney failure, and as there are no natural predators on the island, it is a species that proliferates easily. Media such as National Geographic or Smithsonian Magazine calculate that there are areas of the island where one snake can be found per square meter.

Queimada Island
Queimada Island

Then in Ethiopia, Central Africa is the Danakil Depression, where surviving is the true risk sport. The place is located at the triple junction of three tectonic plates, and is one of the hottest places on earth. The depression is spread over a volcanic crater called Dallol, with a high concentration of salt, and from which large emissions of toxic gases come out.

Danakil Depression
Danakil Depression

But when it comes to high temperatures, we must mention boiling lake in Dominicam a republic of America which is part of the Lesser Antilles. The site is a fumarole, that is, a combination of vapors and gases that emerge from the outer cracks of a volcano at extremely high temperatures. Located almost in the center of the Morne Trois Pitons National Park, Boiling Lake attracts many tourists who come to see it. With fluctuations, the lake measures around 63 to 76 meters. It is the second largest spring in the world, only surpassed by the New Zealand frying pan. But as interesting as it is, caution should be exercised when approaching it: the temperature of its water reaches 92 °C, enough to cook a meal.

boiling lake
boiling lake

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