What are government consultations? Foreign Affairs in understandable language | news item

News item | 09-03-2022 | 17:06

The prime minister or a minister regularly visits abroad to strengthen cooperation with other countries. But government consultations are another special form of consultation between two governments. We explain to you what these government consultations are.

What are government consultations?

During government consultations, a delegation from the cabinet (ministers and state secretaries) travels to another country to enter into discussions with a delegation from the cabinet there.

Such visits are quite rare and intended for countries with which we have the most close ties. For the Netherlands, there are only fixed agreements on regular government consultations with Belgium, Germany and France.

What is the purpose of government consultations?

Government consultations are intended to further develop and take the friendship and cooperation between two countries to a higher level. Because the more countries work together, the more they can achieve in the world. Not only in the economic field, but also to fight together for the challenges of our time. Think, for example, of corona, climate, migration and security.

During government consultations, countries make plans for further cooperation in the coming years. And they discuss what they can commit to as allies. Because together we are stronger. That is why the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is committed to closer cooperation with other countries worldwide.
