What app permissions should I allow?

When a new app is installed, it suddenly demands access to almost every area of ​​the phone. Many smartphone users get a bad feeling about this. But what does it actually mean in detail when apps suddenly want access to contacts, the camera or the media library?

Nowadays, a smartphone is much more than just a simple phone. It offers numerous other services that are intended to make our everyday lives easier and enrich them. The newly installed programs often require app permissions that need to be confirmed. With Apple’s iOS and Android, users can decide for themselves which rights the apps get. Generally, you can access app permissions with Android or iOS by going to “Settings” and then “Apps”. By clicking on the individual apps, an overview opens with the individual accesses of the respective app.


Apps that require access to a smartphone’s microphone are often suspected of allowing strangers to listen in. Therefore, this app permission is often granted cautiously. “Basically, there are several good reasons why an app needs the microphone,” says Alexander Spier from the trade magazine “c’t”. “For example, voice calls, voice search, music recognition, voice messages, and so on.” Denying microphone access can freeze some apps.

To be on the safe side, Spier recommends: “You should check whether an app has a good reason to request microphone rights.” A flashlight app doesn’t need this right. If in doubt, it is better to keep your hands off a program. A messenger app, on the other hand, needs access to record voice messages. If a user does not use this, he can revoke the app authorization. Particular caution is required with apps that have no meaningful reason for microphone access.


Many apps require access to your own location and even the pre-installed Internet browser regularly asks for it. Location information is a coveted commodity among data vendors and advertisers. Therefore, this app permission should be handled with care. “Depending on the purpose, a location release can certainly have its usefulness and justification,” says Julian Graf from the North Rhine-Westphalia consumer advice center. For example, for map services or for location-based information such as the weather, nearby bus stops or as a guide to the taxi you have ordered.

In addition to using the data for a specific function of the app, the location data can also be used for movement profiles – for example for individually tailored advertising. Therefore, the question also applies here: Does the app really need this data and does it inform you about data usage? If there is no information on this, Graf advises against using a program as a precaution.


Telephone or SMS apps need this access so that you can select contacts, create new ones or edit existing ones. Messenger apps like WhatsApp or Signal use this to determine which contact is also using the program. With access to contacts, timetable apps can, for example, determine the quickest route to mom if her address is saved.

While the Phone app can’t work properly without Contacts access, some messengers can be different. It is not entirely clear which entries WhatsApp uploads from the address books, what happens to them and how the data is backed up – the service also does not work without access to the address book. With other services such as Facebook Messenger or Instagram, on the other hand, it has emerged that the meta group combines the data on its own servers for advertising purposes. Even people who do not use these services therefore have “shadow profiles” on the Facebook parent company. The release of contacts in the app permissions can therefore also affect other people. Users have to make decisions here. However, if a program asks for access to the address book for no reason, you should always refuse.

Also read: You should immediately delete these virus-infected apps from your smartphone

photos and videos

This app permission does not necessarily mean that an app can see all photos. Rather, it is mostly about being able to use pictures or videos from the media library, for example to send them to others in a messenger app or to upload them to Facebook. Camera apps from the app stores also need this access to save images. The same applies here: If an app asks for no apparent reason, the user should rather not agree.

The following applies to these basic permissions for apps under Android and iOS: Some functions such as saving and viewing pictures or managing contacts simply do not work without such a permission. Apart from these standard functions, the approval for each additional app should be critically examined and decided on a case-by-case basis.

In case of doubt, nothing bad can happen if you don’t allow a program everything immediately. “In the event of rejection, the app may lose functionality,” says Alexander Spier. “As a rule, nothing goes wrong. Current apps have to be built in such a way that they simply tolerate it.” However, some older programs can cause problems. And once an authorization has been granted or denied, that is not set in stone. Users can make changes at any time.
