‘What an attitude you have!’

Eloise of Orange and Jan Uriot met in the Carré theater in Amsterdam, but that was not exactly a harmonious meeting. “That kid really has an attitude.”


There has been increasing resistance to Eloise of Orange lately, because she is hypocritical and assertive. She completely peddles her royal title and then exclaims that she is so fed up with the attention. And if that isn’t enough, the holiday countess is considering joining Extinction Rebellion. She can protest comfortably between her flights.

‘What an attitude!’

What does Jan Uriot, the star reporter of the weekly magazine Privé, think of that? “I also had a small experience with this lady two weeks ago. That was at the World Christmas Circus in Carré. Then you are with the royal family, I am indeed in the boardroom there, and Eloise was there with her father and mother.”

He continues on the Telegraph site: “And her father and mother are chatting endlessly, very nice, and she’s like: I want to focus on the company here for a moment. I said, ‘Yes, but I am also the company.’ ‘No, but I want to spend some time with that…’ I think: what an attitude you suddenly have, child.”

Rubbed off

Presenter Pim Sedee is completely shocked by it. “Are you brushed off?”

Jan then: “Well, brushed off, I don’t want that to be the headline over this piece. But I thought it was so strange. And now much more is emerging. She no longer wants to be recognized, but then you should not appear on screen during programs.”

Eloise currently earns a lot of money as an influencer. She has already completed her first trip, a winter sports trip sponsored by a ski goggle brand.


Eloise is ‘grateful’ for her influenza journey:
