What a review! Thanks to Monique’s special method, losing weight is a breeze

Do you want to lose some kilos and do you live in – or close to – Zoetermeer? Be sure to visit Monique Hermus van Tren Counseling† Of four pricks in your ear she ensures that your appetite for calorie bombs disappears, you are full sooner and your fat burning goes faster, so that you lose weight in a natural way. Permanently, and without a diet!

A bonus: Monique is an extremely enthusiastic, committed coach. You are really going on this journey together. You can also read that in the reviews on her website

Convincing reviews

So someone writes: “Loss 17 kilos in 5 months. The button is up! Learning to make conscious choices because the need for sweetness has disappeared and you feel full faster, but can eat almost anything. I feel a lot better and how nice it is to be able to buy your clothes 3 sizes smaller. Thank you so much Monique, for your positivity!”

I lose weight, without the idea that I’m on the line

Another says: “I’m in menopause and it’s slow, but I’m losing weight little by little, without feeling like I’m on the line! I barely speak to all those things that I used to enjoy so much. I used to like a drink, but that need / appetite is completely gone. In one word: great. I recommend it to everyone!!”

Besides that people are very happy with the results, they are remarkably full of praise for Monique herself. So also this client: “Super friendly, cheerful and hospitable. Supportive and open. Really achieving the goal together, very motivating.”

Read more under the photo >

A satisfied client | Photo via Tren Counseling

Reimbursed by your health insurer

Here you can read much more enthusiastic stories of satisfied Tren Counseling clients. And the great thing is: everyone is welcome at Monique. She treats brides who want to wear their dream dress as well as diabetes patients, who no longer have to take medication thanks to her injections. Whatever your reason: if you have additional insurance for alternative medicine, your health insurer will reimburse the treatments.

Also helps with menopausal symptoms and smoking cessation

You can also contact Tren Counseling with other problems and challenges. The practice is not only about weight loss. The ear pricks can also help with menopausal problems or pain, and with smoking cessation. You even get a ‘stop guarantee’.

Are you curious whether the treatments of Tren Counseling are something for you? Then look here for available dates and contact details.
