WG etiquette – The advantages and disadvantages of a shared apartment

From the Hotel Mama to the flat share

After school, many young people follow the call of freedom, they want to live in their own apartment independently of their parents. The plan to live alone can often not be realized from a financial point of view. Accordingly, many students and trainees rely on shared apartments.

However, the basic rules and the advantages and disadvantages of communal life must be observed.

In the following, it will be clarified what is important in flat share life so that the newly gained freedom does not turn out to be a disaster.

The bedroom as a point of contention

When looking for a suitable shared apartment, the first thing to do is: “Open your eyes” – regardless of whether you want to open a new shared apartment with a friend or move into someone else’s shared apartment.

Flats are generally not designed for shared flats. This means that the rooms are never the same size and offer different advantages. The choice of room can become a contentious issue right from the start. Because a shared apartment shares the rental costs. Care should be taken to ensure that one or more parties do not receive less private living space for the same money. Rental costs should therefore be shared fairly.

The dilemma of connecting rooms should not go unnoticed either. Moving into a three-room apartment for two is a luxury for most students. But if the chosen living room is also a connecting room to one of the bedrooms, this can develop into an annoying point of contention.

disputes and tensions

The tensions in a flat share can also escalate due to various, more or less big, little things. Examples of this are noisy roommates or constant arguments because, for example, the refrigerator was plundered. Or the kitchen and other shared living spaces were left untidy, privacy was not respected and the parties opposed attempts to communicate.

In order for everyday life in a shared flat to run harmoniously and smoothly for everyone involved, it is important to comply with certain shared flat rules. If all members pull together, shared life can become a positive experience.

WG etiquette

The positive aspects of a flat share often outweigh the costs, because in addition to the living costs, you also share society with each other. This way you don’t live in isolation and can, for example, cook and eat dinner together. Shopping in company is often more fun than alone. In addition, the work in the household is done much faster if everyone lends a hand.

However, certain etiquette must be observed to ensure that the advantages of living in a flat share do not become a point of contention.

Household tasks should be divided in a structured manner, as should food and non-communal property. Clear rules should be established here.

In addition, the privacy of individuals should always be respected. If a flatmate retires to his room, then the desire for quiet should be accepted. On the other hand, no one should be excluded within the flat share, for example from taking part in joint film evenings or parties.

Open communication and mutual consideration are the key to harmonious coexistence.

Henry Ely / Editor finanzen.net

Image sources: Alexander Raths / Shutterstock.com, didesign021 / Shutterstock.com
