Weyts sends Finance Inspectorate to Cycling Vlaanderen | Inland

For Weyts, it is also in the interest of the Flemish cycling federation that “any doubt is removed”.

There has been commotion around Cycling Vlaanderen for some time now. Questions arose about certain flows of money and about the relationship between the Flemish federation and Belgian Cycling. The CEO and various board members of Cycling Vlaanderen recently resigned.

Last year, Weyts asked the organization to carry out an audit, which ended up at Weyts’ desk earlier this week. “However, there are still unanswered questions,” says the N-VA member. “For example, the audit did not consider all financial flows.”

The Finance Inspectorate must now investigate whether the subsidy money has always been used correctly. “There must be transparency about all financial flows, then and now,” it sounds in a press release. “The Finance Inspectorate will independently check whether everything went according to the rules and in line with the market.”
