WeWorld Festival: it’s time for women to take up space

QHow many spaces are still missing for women? Many: in work, in the defense of rights, in the self-determination of the body, in the narration of a motherhood without stereotypes. And how many of the conquered spaces are in danger today? An important opportunity for dialogue and comparison is the We World Festival which will take place from 26 to 28 May at BASE Milano. Three days of talks, films, photography, shows, all with free access. An important moment to get together, “to give people, in every meeting, an inspiration to bring about change”, as Marco Chiesara, president of WeWorld, the association that has been involved in defending the rights of women and children in 27 countries of the world.

The poster of the 13th edition of the WeWorld Festival.

The program is very rich and there are many guests. The opening of the festival is Friday evening, with the iinauguration of photographic exhibitions Comets! by Chiara Fossati, on the dreams and prospects of adolescents in the suburban areas of Italy and Ithe price of the land!by Alessandro Cinque, a report made with WeWorld on the impact of mining in South America.

It comes alive on Saturday, with the first talk dedicated to Motherhood my way, with the writer Francesca Bubba, the Driving without a license and Sonia Castelli. It goes on with Hidden insults, forms of discrimination in the most unexpected wordswith Lorenzo Gasparrini and the 4 Pillars against violence against women, with Margherita Saraceno and Diana De Marchi. Giorgia Soleri will talk about sexual and reproductive justice, while the LGBTQIA+ activist Ilaria Borrelli of Transfeminist perspectives. At the same time, the Feminist talk with Alessio Miceli of Male Plural. In the evening, performance of L’aura and reading of Shut up! from the book by Michela Murgia.

WeWorld Festival: let’s go back to talking about self-determination

The poster of the Sunday afternoon event at the WeWorld Festival.

Sunday morning we start with a praise of idleness, with Riccarda Zezza. The boundaries will expand for Women between reconstruction, forgotten crises and spaces to occupy in Iran, Afghanistan, Siriae the Women’s Spaces of WeWorld will be known closely, with the possibility of booking individual meetings for coaching, legal and parenting support. We will then move on to talk about bodies and the market Women (un)object with Sara Ventura, Make your own bodies! with Lara Lago, Marina Cuollo and Cathy La Torre, e The right to write about one’s body – From Annie Ernaux to social media. Other topics addressed, such as explaining consent to children in Can you give me a kiss? and the difficult relationship between women and money in The account is mine and I manage it with the economist Azzurra Rinaldi.

At 17.30 appointment with Are you connected? Adolescents, digital and gender identitywith Gaia Rota and Michele Cattaneo of The curtain in the living room, the activist Isabella Borrelli and the writer Elisa Bonci. A discussion on how to follow Build a city for everyonewhere the Sex and the City project and the mapping of the city in the Gender Atlas of Milan will be discussed.

