Wet & soft start of Easter holidays: up to 10 degrees

Wet & soft start of Easter holidays: up to 10 degrees

Winds will turn to the southwest bringing softer air with maxima reaching 6-7 degrees by midday and 10 degrees by late afternoon. The south-westerly wind is strong during the day.

Tonight and tonight it will be cloudy to cloudy with some rain or showers. The minimums do not drop below 9 degrees or hardly at all. It will remain quite windy from the southwest.

The rest of the week becomes very changeable with frequent periods of rain and further rising temperatures. Tuesday there are longer dry periods, Wednesday there may be some rain again. It is also very soft.

Tuesday to around 12 degrees, on Wednesday we note around 10-11 degrees. In the second half of the week there are also active rain zones every day that pass with often a lot of rain.

Towards the end of the week the weather will turn a bit colder. on Thursday and Friday maximums drop to 6-7 degrees. Towards the weekend it can again freeze slightly at night.


Today we will get some rain on the set. It can be intense later in the day, accompanied by a strong wind that brings soft air. Later this afternoon it will be up to 10 degrees.

The wind can reach around 50 km per hour.

Tonight and tonight it will be cloudy to cloudy with minimums around 9 degrees.

Also tomorrow it is mostly cloudy to cloudy with some rain and very mild maxima that rise to about 12 degrees.
