Westerveld in top five municipalities with most garden tick bites

Westerveld is in the top five of municipalities where the most garden tick bites per hundred thousand inhabitants occurred in the past ten years. That reports Nature Today† The municipality of Westvoorne takes the lead. Rozendaal, Schouwen-Duiveland, Terschelling and Westerveld fill places 2 to 5.

When looking at the number of reports of tick bites in the garden, the northern neighbors of Drenthe take the cake. In that case, the municipality of Groningen is at the top.

Last month, the University of Wageningen and the RIVM reported that the risk of a tick bite is greatest in Drenthe. They based this on the data collected over the past ten years viaSignradar.nl. A total of 80,000 reports have now been received.

Most tick bite reports came from Gelderland, Noord-Brabant and Noord-Holland. However, the number of reports in relation to the population is highest in Drenthe, followed by Gelderland. It is the lowest in South Holland. The number of tick bite reports is highest in June and July.

Every year, the Dutch are affected by a total of one and a half million tick bites, causing Lyme disease in 27,000 people. Most recover without residual symptoms from this disease after treatment with antibiotics. About 1000 to 1500 people have to deal with long-term complaints despite treatment.
