Westerse landed negeerden alarm bells about conflict: “Deze oorlog is the result of 30 years away” | Oorlog Oekraïne en Rusland

De opbouw naar de oorlog in Oekraïne is al jaren bezig en toch webben we alarmbellen genegeerd wardoor we het conflict not zagen aankomen. Daarop wezen VUB professors Alexander Mattelaer and Jonathan Holslag tijdens een panel speech at the Brusselse universiteit. “Deze oorlog is the result of 30 years of travel, opportunities and het censors of information from diplomats”, Aldus Holslag.

Mattelaer wees at three great moments, we would like to see more of a prayer for the time being that the political conflict between Moscow and the west of the country is open. So the president Vladimir Poetin said he had to speak at the Public Conference in Munich in 2007, and there was a warning about what was coming next, so nobody took it seriously. Since then, the known conflict in Austria in 2014 has not been noticed by anyone – neither Moscow, nor Kiev, nor the West – in a satisfactory way has been decided and no one can end up trying to avoid the conflict. In December the previous year, the Russian overheid was announced and diplomatic ultimatums were issued.

As a result, Mattelaer went past toen alarmbellen af, but it was actually what het dan old te laat. Landing should start three times with sancties om het tij nog te keren, but that is not done. “En voeren we sancties in, which never avenues de overheid maar ook het Russian people raken, en worstelen we met de vraag wat onze volgende stap moet zijn”, aldus de defense expert. “I think that we would like our diplomacy to come here in the way we react to the problem, we want it to be duidelijk een zootje van gemaakt.”

Holslag was still going to be a stap verder en stelde dat he altijd een oorlog is weweest, maar that the nu woon poet bij komt. “Think about the Russian bombardments in Aleppo, the Russian acts in the Caucasus. That’s why it’s geopending from a lot of people who are concerned about international security, but it’s still not a problem that we love the oil and gas level held and watched that spoken zouden works.” After the annexation in the Crimea in 2014, he received sancties, which had the effect of the Russian expansionist logic.


As we have never been able to use the fouten van het verleden, then the kans groot dat Europe is not in the state zal zijn om de uitdaging aan te gaan.

Jonathan Holslag, hoogleraar international politics (VUB)

As a result, diplomats and other services were called in 2015 for the risk of an escalation of the conflict between Russia and the West. “Soms are the aan de kant schoven, in verschillende lidstaten zelfs gecensureerd”, aldus de expert diplomatieke gelegenis en international betrekkingen, the time that he bewijzen zijn that de Duitse bondskanselier ervoor gezorgd heeft dat bepaalde rapporten niet dead bij het parlement zijn geraakt. “The politieke verantwoordelijkheid the wij hebben, zeker in Western Europe, is colossal. When we speak about punisheloosheid rond oorlogsmisdaden, dan we moeten put onszelf in parliamentary commissions zeer moeilijke vragen. As we never leren uit de fouten van het verleden, dan is de kans groot dat Europa niet in staat zal zijn om de uitdaging aan te gaan.”
