West Flemish senior sports day in Izegem hit the bull’s eye

West Flemish senior sports day in Izegem hit the bull’s eye

More than seven hundred people over 50 were able to walk and cycle, but also get to know something new from the wide range. There were folk games and petanque, as well as a photo hunt.

Everyone has been looking forward to this for a long time. “Movement is very essential. And contact with other contemporaries from other regions is also very interesting,” it sounds.

For the past two years, the sports day has been canceled due to corona. So the question was how many people would show up today: more than seven hundred, it turns out. They are happy to come out again for such events. “You can feel old at 50, but at 70ste alive and kicking to be. I would say, please, seniors, don’t let yourself be known, come out and participate in everything,” it sounds in Izegem.
