West Flemish pigeons also missing after disaster flight from the south of France

West Flemish pigeons also missing after disaster flight from the south of France

This may have to do with the bad weather. A serious mistake by the organization, says the pigeon association, which speaks of a disastrous flight.

Dominique Baert from Handzame sees about 20,000 euros go up in smoke. “All my pigeons that could participate took part: 10 old birds and 23 yearlings”, says Dominique concerned.

Cause: bad weather?

26,000 pigeons from different countries took part in the international competition. Only 6,000 made it to their destination. Perhaps the bad weather conditions have something to do with it.

In total, almost 12,000 Belgian pigeons took part in the race, of which more than 2,000 from West Flanders. Barely a third has returned home, in our province there are just over 600 birds.


Pigeon fanciers criticize the organizer from Liège. They believe that permission to fly should never have been given in France.

Dominique is angry with the organizer: “Sure, they released them. You can’t be mad at someone else. You take care of the pigeons all year round. The pigeon clubs and carriers do that too and then they mess it up there. There is no other word for: mess up!”

You can see an extensive report about the missing pigeons tonight from 6 pm on Focus & WTV
