West Flemish agricultural sector: “It is regrettable that Minister Crevits has left”

West Flemish agricultural sector: “It is regrettable that Minister Crevits has left”

At the West-Flemish non-profit organization Caritas, which unites care and welfare facilities, they welcome Crevits with open arms. The director is a member of the CD&V national party council.

“We are sorry that the minister has left. I commend her for her communication with the farmers. It has always been very clear. What she managed to get out of the fire in the nitrogen file was less good,” says Franky Vanroose of the General Farmers Syndicate of West Flanders.

The Boerenbond West-Vlaanderen with twice as many members also regrets the departure, the chairman is also alderman for CD&V in Tielt. The moment is especially difficult. “We all know that we are currently having a very difficult time with the nitrogen dossier. Decisions will have to be made at Flemish level in a short period of time. I hope that our new minister has enough time to familiarize himself with this dossier”, says Joris Vande Vyvere of the Boerenbond West-Vlaanderen.

The West Flemish non-profit organization Caritas, which represents 180 care and welfare facilities, is satisfied. “We are very satisfied within the welfare and care sector that Hilde wants to take on this department. It is quite a heavy department. I think there is a lot on the table. If we look specifically at the care and welfare facilities, we are with the staff shortage that is very precarious, especially in childcare and elderly care, especially in the Westhoek”, says Pieter Billiet of Caritas West-Vlaanderen.
