Wesley has ‘great fun’ with Yolanthe: “I want to make it up to you”

Remember the three-day wedding of Wesley and Yolanthe that was so hyped? The two did not want to pay all the costs for their wedding. The total amount they Reportedly still being guilty runs into the tons…

You would think: Wes and Yo have had enough trouble for the next ten years. But that turned out not to be the case.

mistakes made

Due to Wesley’s slant-marching practices, the Sneijdertjes never made it to their pewter jubilee. After it turned out that he had cheated on several times, Yolanthe left him after eight years.

He still can’t stomach that. “I’ve said it often enough: I made mistakes. I deeply regret that, but you don’t buy much for that. It’s something that eats me up. I want to make it up.”

Enjoy with the family

Wesley has never made it a secret that he desperately wants Yolanthe back. Privately took a look at the ex-pro football player after the exes (?) went on holiday together in Ibiza. “We’re having a lot of fun. I can’t say much more about it yet. It feels familiar and good. It’s also nice to have Xess Xava around. You can see him enjoying it when mom and dad are together,” says Wesley.

Reconciliation ahead?

Is Yolanthe in it the same as Wesley? That remains to be seen. She recently announced that she is behind the split and that she is ready for a new man in her life.

Wesley doesn’t really know what she thinks about it either, because: “You don’t ask that. At least not me.”

Lucky accident: The couple never officially divorced, so any reconciliation saves at least another wedding plus a miserable aftermath.

Source: NU.nl

July 14, 2022
