Wervik city council chairman went too far, coalition change can continue

Wervik city council chairman went too far, coalition change can continue

The Wervik city council chairman said last Wednesday: “After my investigation, I find that this vote of no confidence is based on vague motives, which are not sufficiently motivated and which are also based on incorrect data.”

However, it turns out that the city council chairman is not required to assess a motion substantively. That is what Minister Somers answers to a question from Brecht Warnez (CD&V). He does, however, have to check a whole series of formal matters. Bart Somers “A motivation can already be included in the motion. However, this is not an obligation by decree. The adoption of the motives falls to the competence of the municipal council.”

Consequently, the coalition change can still go ahead as planned, concludes Brecht Warnez† “It is good, Minister, that you state very clearly that there is no obligation to hear. That a debate in the municipal council is sufficient and that it is not up to the municipal council chairman to check substantive motives. It will mean very concretely this and next week. that one can continue in Wervik.”

The motion will be placed on the city council’s agenda again on May 10. If approved, CD&V will replace the city’s list of liberals and greens in the majority.

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