Wervik cannabis plantation: gang of 10 suspects arrested

Wervik cannabis plantation: gang of 10 suspects arrested

“The Federal Judicial Police (FGP) of East Flanders has rounded up a gang suspected of large-scale production of cannabis,” the spokesman for the federal police said. “The gang was active in the provinces of East and West Flanders. Ten suspects have been arrested and are being brought before the investigating judge in Ghent.”

Searches in 5 places

“In November 2021, the Federal Judicial Police (FGP) East Flanders launched an investigation into a gang that would be involved in setting up cannabis plantations. An initial investigation showed members of this gang, after which the prosecutor of East Flanders decided to demand the investigating judge in Ghent Further investigation eventually brought into view an organization that presumably had set up plantations in Ghent, Erpe-Mere and Wervik.

During a coordinated judicial action on Tuesday 19 April 2022, five house searches were carried out simultaneously in Ghent (2), Erpe-Mere (Aaigem), Aalst and Wervik† Two active plantations were found at addresses in Ghent and Aaigem, in Wervik and two inactive ones at another address in Ghent.”

10 suspects arrested

“Ten suspects were arrested and arrested in today’s action,” said the spokesman.

“They are all being brought before the examining magistrate in Ghent. During the searches, various services of the Federal Police worked together. The Special Units were responsible for the raid on the plantations. The Civil Defense offered assistance in clearing the plantations.”
