Werk en privé lopen steeds meer door elkaar, maar zijn also beter combinerbaar | Inland

The decision is made in a private way. Toch the tevredenheid van werknemers over their combination in the overall light. This looks like a never-before-seen service from the Randstad to 2,000 Belgians. Het toegenomen telewerken lijkt bij te dragen aan both evolutions.

Randstad was born in 2008 and 2014 when it came to the work-privébalans of the Belgian works and heraldry of the study in the year. What you see: Workers have a larger connection. The average score, on a scale of 1 (geen vervlechting) to 10 (totale vervlechting), is now 4.7. In 2008 and 2014 the score was 4 and 4.4.

The connection between the work and the privileges is available to you. This is on the other side of the teleworks, the time of the corona pandemic has started. “Het aandeel thuiswerkers is de afgelopen jaren sterk gestegen (25 percent in 2014, 44 percent in 2023) en bij thuiswerkers is a larger comparison (5.3) and in niet-thuiswerkers (4.3),” light Randstad toe.

The work was done on a large scale with a private heel, with a strong connection (score of 8 out of 10) – the cost of 11 to 19 percent – the cost of the group with a moderate amount of effort (5 to 7). “The group was werk en privé niet of slechts matig interfereren (1 tot en met 4) blijft merkwaardig stable,” he sounds. He’s going to help the workers.


The toenemende intervlechting blijkt also uit concrete gedrag. Het aantal werknemers the buiten de kantooruren niet of minder dan een uur per week met het werk bezig zijn, neemt from 48 percent in 2014 to 37 percent in 2023. The trend is for weekends (from 57 to 52 percent) and vacancies (from 70 to 65 percent).

Hoewel werk en privéleven steeds meer door elkaar lopen, kunnen werknemers ze door de band genomen beter combineren: de gemiddelde score die werknemers geven, stijgt van 6,8 naar 7. Het aandeel van de respondenten die aangeven dat de combinatie vlot gaat (8 of sea), between 40 and 48 percent. The group for which it speaks is of a possible combination (1 tot and 4) has a stable value of 13 percent.

“The greater promise of this work has been achieved, thanks to which the combination of these works has become private and has become a global source of light,” says Randstad. Teleworkers have a good work-privébalan score of 7.3.
