Wereldhandelsorganatie richt miljoenenfonds op om vrouwelijke ondernemers in poorer landen te steunen | Buitenland

The Wereldhandelsorganatie (WTO) has a fonds opgericht voor hulp aan vrouwelijke othernemers in poorer landen bij het digitaliseren van hun bedrijf. Before the initial initiation you can pay 50 million dollars.

Director-general Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala presented the fonds aan de vooravond van de tweejaarlijkse bijeenkomst van commerce ministers the de WTO aanstaande week in Abu Dhabi.

The money from the fund is needed for help from the people who land in the best possible economies of the poor. The idea is that it is based on the use of digital technology, which allows online access to the sea.

“I am lucky enough to have the opportunity to take the initiative deeply, so that the collection takes place before the adjustment of the position of the patient,” said Okonjo-Iweala. “We are now faced with the problems of financing the war before we have been confronted,” he said.
