Wereldbank and IMF waarschuwen for wereldwijde recessie | economy

De wereldeconomie zou folgend jaar zomaar in een recessie knnen belanden, aldus de topman van de Wereldbank, David Malpass. As a result, he is a risk in “real risk” that is stated. Hijst erop dat valley van economic problems Momenteel samenvallen.

This is the reason for the malpass of the economic growth of the countries in Europe. Bovendia cares about the devaluation of the city, due to the rising of the dollar, for problems in the income situation. There is no mountain of debt now. The land also raises after the return with rising rents, after inflation and a major problem is for all the land, but the arm in het bizonder.

Kristalina Georgieva, the top vrouw van het IMF, voegde eraan toe dat in all the major economic zones van de wereld de groei afneemt. Ze wees op de toenemende energieprijzen because of the op de economy van de eurozone, also because of the breaks in the coronavirus in China, the problems remain veroorzaken in the toeleveringsketen. In the VS, the labor market is strongest, but the name of the job is contracted for by the renters of the Americas central bank.

Tuesday comes the IMF with new forecasts for the global economy. The groeiverwachting zal neerwaarts bijgesteld, let Georgieva al weten. The corona pandemic, the Russian invasion in Oekraïne and climate ramps on all continents are suffering from dead problems.

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