Wereld zamelt 6.4 miljard in voor haast vergeten Syrië | Buitenland

The international community was no longer in excess of 6.4 million euros. Syrië may not be allowed to do all the prayers for de oorlog in Oekraïne, what het refrein op de donorconferentie in Brussel.

“Deze conference valt op een bijzonder moeilijk moment”, brooded Eurocommissaris Oliver Varhelyi, who is responsible for de betrekkingen van de EU met naburige land. Europe and the rest of the world have not been handed down to the news of the corona pandemic and the Russian oorlog tegen Oekraïne, memoreerde hij. Toch was het request that de in Brussel verzamelden landen and organisaties toezegden net wat hoger than last year. Sea then 4.8 million euros, long term, comes from the EU and from EU countries.

The money is required for the opening of vluchtelingen in bijvoorbeeld Lebanon and Turkije. It is not best for the Syrian government. The West is not yet ready to do anything with the regime of President Bashar Assad, who forgot to take responsibility for the whole lot. “It is held that we have not decided to go ahead with the normalization of one’s trekking with the Assad regime, so long as there have been major changes in the country where the Syrian people are going, there are no plans for a political transformation of the country,” says the EU -buitenland boss Josep Borrell.

“De economic crisis en het geweld duren voort” in Syrië, held VN-gezant Geir Pedersen de aanwezigen voor. Hulporganaties vrezen dat de sinds de Oekraïne-Oorlog stijgende voedselprijzen de vele armen in Syrië en de vele vluchtelingen also hard zullen raken.

The Syrian burgheroorlog started in 2011 and is still not discussed later. He many honderdduizenden doden en vele miljoenen Syriërs zijn hun huizen of zelfs hun land ontvlucht.

Eurocommissaris Oliver Varhelyi. © EPO
