We’re going to no more masses in het Buitenland op vacancy. Deze tourism-expert puts it in the right place

Volgens hr-dienstverlener SD Worx names we in the first vijf maanden ongeveer evenveel vacant days op as in dezelfde period in 2019. Werd dit not de ‘zomer van de vrijheid’?

Neuts: “No, I had also been awakened by a great rush. In Europe late de maatregelen irritate al wel even toe. Zelfs in het eerste coronajaar, 2020, were he beperkte reismogelijkheden. That tempers the bang, it’s the right thing to do normally. Bovendia states that there is a higher cost to the corona virus, the result is in the open and inflation. He is afraid of increasing gas prices and fire prices.

“Toch zien we dat het in Venetië bijvoorbeeld behoorlijk druk is. He is also a lot of local tourism. De cijfers lopen nog wat aft, maar we zien eigenlijk een normalisatie.”

Heeft de coronacrisis ons het irritate in own country sea doen appreciëren?

“Het binnenlands tourism zat also voor corona al in the lift, less than in other countries. That comes with a hoofdzakelijk door that mensen meermaals in het jaar op vacancy gaan, then he comes with a trip in his own country by.

“Zeker in België is de ruimte wel beperkt. As each amper 300 kilometers verplaatst, kun je op vakantie zijn in Frankrijk, Nederland of Duitsland. For a lot of people, the countryside is still tempting. Because we are centrally located in the area where it is connected, it is important to ensure that there are no changes to inland tourism when there is no helemn way to doorzetten.”

Toch zeggen tour operators in Het Nieuwsblad that we aarzelen met buitenlandse irritate.

“Het zou can dat we more gaan think about the costs of the stimulus. Also the problems at the Luchthavens, not grandchildren in Zaventem but also at Schiphol in Elders, suffering tot sea onzekerheid. Because of this, you can ask for a non-returnable offer because the best way is because of the problems that can be solved when you inspect the bagage. This can have a noticeable effect during this time.

“I didn’t have any notice that mensen nog bang zijn dat corona het vliegverkeer in de war stuurt. I also want to give congresses opnieuw face to face. Mensen were het beu om everything online te doen. The mensen that irritate in de zomermaanden zijn meestal jongeren en jonge gezinnen. The zijn also not so bang van Covid-19.

“Je raises wel dungeon van bepaalde markten, soals de Chinese. The is for a anhoudende restricties nog not helemmaal produced.”

Bart Neuts.Beeld Wouter Van Vooren

Can the inflation of the reissector opnieuw a knauw be given?

“Never met, I think so. Mensen bekijken irritate almaar sea as a basic needs, so as je not gaat save op eten. The travel budget is said to be apart from the costs of the day, so that people really need to raise the cost of stress and even away from it.

“The vacancy budget was not calculated very quickly. In previous crises ze je dat also. Tijdens de financial-economic crisis van 2007-2008 what he éen dip in het international tourism and the situation is soon stabilized.”

Ondertussen campaigned as a tourism sector in Europe with personnel records. How come it?

“The problem is that the tijdens de coronacrisis het tourism dichtging terwijl other sectors openbleven. Flights are never closed, the horeca went to the slot, the museum also. He ontstonden dus Plaatsen met technical workloosheid en Veel van der Werknemers zijn entered into another sector tewerkgesteld. Now the normal tourism sector operates, so the canteens are not appropriate for the meeting place during the weekend, long days and flexible work schedules.

“Dat zal still we aanslepen en creaëert nieuwe problems, want de mansen die blijven, ervaren meer work pressure. This is stated in the staking request in the air. This is not considered to be the case, there are negative elements in the work in this sector.”

null Beeld Wouter Van Vooren

Beeld Wouter Van Vooren
