We’re disappointed with Mia and Dion – and we love it

Everybody is disappointed in everyday life: after the football match, the blue in the pub, the failure at the hairdresser, the falsely sung rehearsal at the Eurovision Song Contest, the bad movie at the cinema, a night out Football Inside, the interview with a minister at the Binnenhof and so on. The word itself, however, masks what lies deeper beneath the surface. Disappointment, anger, hatred, despair. It happens to you, it’s you and apparently that’s the end of it.

is more interesting deluded, a word that indicates the act itself and thus also the whole point. Bewitch, or ‘beguile’ long ago, for example, is what the crazy emperor Caligula did when he allegedly led a mock attack on Britannia in the year 40, from Katwijk aan Zee, of all places, where he let his ships do some laps on the North Sea. To then order his men to go ashore again to collect shells, which he later triumphantly presented as ‘treasure’ in Rome. Historians differ on what is true of this story, but poet and translator Abraham Bogaert wrote about it in 1721 when he hypocrisy used to color Caligula’s harlequinade.

Magic comes from cookinga continuation of Middle Dutch boiling that too kokelaer or wizard made possible. Linguistic sources further point out that magic comes from cock. That word has the vowel of giggle (mocking) inherited, an onomatopoeic variant of giggling (see Bogaerts’ squabble).

A number of other MPs were disappointed by Caroline van der Plas’ disappointment

Anyway, you can trick someone or — as is currently fashionable — it happens to you. When the Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky arrived in The Hague on the day of Remembrance Day for a lightning visit, BBB leader Caroline van der Plas reacted with disappointment, after which exactly the same happened with a series of other MPs who denounced her disillusionment.

What mental wizardry in public discourse, what never-ending squabbles or hypocrisyalthough the latter isn’t really a word yet.

The synonym – disillusioned – sheds light on disenchanted. Someone is cheating us; that took too long; now we’ve got it all figured out; we are angry; and we’re going to do something about it. That’s a joke, because being disappointed takes us further away from the core. Whoever uses the word does not say exactly enough what is meant.


The irony is that we want nothing more than to be deceived without commitment. You read a thriller or watch an exciting series – just for the plot twist that sobers up, that opens your eyes. We see that as a reward, even as a reason why we read or watch.

All of this is very quick and fleeting, which may well describe our current state of being. The writing on the wall is that I have been looking forward to the Eurovision Song Contest for weeks. I couldn’t wait for my fate, the inevitable disappointment due to the various acts, especially our Mia and Dion. I was worried, because I heard that they were singing in tune now. Fortunately, I am now disappointed.
