Werder Bremen will be without Amos Pieper for a long time because of a broken ankle

Quote from chillinsun

First of all, get well soon to Pieper and I hope he comes back healthy and fit.
The good thing is we have 3 central defenders, young and old, who can compensate for the loss if necessary.

It’s a shame that Charioda didn’t go the Werder route…
He might have had a chance to get more playing time.

Real? Are there really still people who think that Bremen has enough IVs? We are now down to 5 including ‘IVs’ young and old. An additional IV urgently needs to be obtained in the winter, even if that means borrowing Pfeiffer from Augsburg.

The alternative would of course be to try to switch to a 4 chain in winter, then the IVs are less of a problem. However, an AV would then be missing.

No matter what Bremen thinks about, something absolutely has to happen in defense in the winter, otherwise things can get really tight in the RR if another IV gets injured or someone else is suspended for 1-2 games.
