Werder Bremen: Spectacular turnaround in offensive star

There have long been rumors that Werder Bremen’s top scorer Marvin Ducksch is leaving. The attacker was also traded as a possible transfer target at BVB. But now a reversal is in the offing.

Everything seemed to fit so well, which was haunted by the media at the beginning of May: Borussia Dortmund, it was said, should consider bringing Marvin Ducksch back from Werder Bremen to his old place of work.

The fact that the 29-year-old later described the return to his “heart club” BVB as a “dream” fueled the rumor mill even more.

It didn’t really become concrete in the coming weeks. The exit clause, which is anchored in Ducksch’s contract with Werder Bremen until 2024, was only active until June 15.

According to consistent media reports, this should have amounted to just around seven million euros.

BVB flirt Marvin Ducksch stays with Werder-Bremen

But none of the allegedly interested clubs, which are said to have included clubs from Italy and Saudi Arabia in addition to BVB, took the option.

As a result, Ducksch’s change has become increasingly unlikely in recent weeks – and has now probably finally collapsed.

Because according to “Bild”, the attacker has agreed with Werder Bremen on a contract extension until 2026. Both sides aim to sign the contract by the start of training on Wednesday, it is said. The official announcement could also be made soon.

As of now, Werder coach Ole Werner can fall back on his congenial strike duo in the coming season. Because in addition to Ducksch, there are currently no signs of leaving top striker Niclas Füllkrug, who was recently associated with FC Bayern, among other things.

The duo were responsible for 28 of Werder Bremen’s 51 goals in the Bundesliga last season.
