Wendy van Dijk is missing from the 50-strong longlist: ‘This is shocking!’

Wow: according to Televizier, Wendy van Dijk’s TV career is in such trouble that they have not even put her on the 50-strong (!) longlist for the Ster prize. “This is shocking.”

© SBS 6

It is a fact that Wendy van Dijk’s TV career has long since passed its peak, but is it really so bad that she no longer even deserves a spot in the 50-strong longlist for the Zilveren Televizier? -Star? Apparently, Mediapark whisperer Tina Nijkamp notes. And that while even types like Anniko van Santen are among them!

‘Really shocking’

Tina, who was the channel boss of SBS 6 for years, is really in shock on this Tuesday afternoon. “Very shocking though. Wendy van Dijk is NOT among the presenters that can be voted for best presenter. And that while she has presented quite a lot: Who of the Three, Song at First Sight, Ministars.”

Other big TV women are just among them, she writes on her analysis channel. “Chantal Janzen, Linda de Mol (only Miljoenenjacht), Yvon Jaspers and many others do. Marieke Elsinga of the flopped Alles is Muziek is also among them.”

Bum for Wendy

Wendy is still recovering from the dengue virus, but, says Tina: “After the dengue fever, another blow for Wendy. This will hurt anyway. To suddenly no longer be here after all these years. Ps I can’t find Gordon, Anita Witzier and Carrie ten Napel either.”

It has been four years since Wendy left RTL 4 for SBS 6. “It has generated millions, but in terms of programs only flops. Her contract expires next June. Will that be extended or will she also become a ‘freelancer’ like Winston Gerschtanowitz and Gordon?”


Why does Tina put freelancer in quotes? Because this is the latest tactic to dump TV stars without losing face: just tell them to go ‘freelancing’. But if you really want to keep a TV star, then of course you just extend the contract. “A new era seems to be entering a new era for the ‘showtrap presenters’.”

She continues: “John de Mol no longer seems so keen (because it is very expensive) on permanent contracts, except if they are real viewing magnets such as the VI men or presenters of daily shows about news and sports.”

Ring for Helene?

Hélène Hendriks, the new big female star of SBS 6, is on the nomination list. And also for the Gouden Televizier-Ring, namely with De Oranjezomer. “Last year there was a real riot around VI that you could not vote for the Televizier Ring on Today Inside, that was too much like Football Inside,” Tina remembers.

She concludes: “René, Wilfred and Johan were angry about that. This year, De Oranjezomer is among them. Are they going to campaign for Hélène Hendriks and her program? We’ll know tonight.”
