Wendy van Dijk arouses suspicion at BLVD: ‘Very strange answer’

Wendy van Dijk has not managed to put an end to the gossip about her marriage. Also at the leading show medium RTL Boulevard creates confusion. “This is a strange answer.”


It really indicates that Wendy van Dijk and Erland Galjaard are in a gigantic marital crisis for the second time, if they have not already broken up. The fact that both have been refusing to make a statement about it for weeks says enough, because denial is really the easiest thing to do if there is no truth in the rumors that are going around.

Wendy denies?

Now that Wendy has appeared on a red carpet for the first time, namely at something from Videoland, the show media jumped on it: who will get the divorce scoop? No one. She did not want to talk about it to Shownieuws and at RTL Boulevard she kept shouting ‘inside world’ and ‘outside world’, a kind of Morse code for ‘it is completely wrong’.

A confused editor of RTL Boulevard thought he could deduce from Wendy’s secret language that nothing was wrong at all and wrote the headline: ‘Wendy denies rumors of a love break.’ Ehh, no one should really hear that. “Hmmm Boulie writes that Wendy denies the break with Erland, but I can’t really make out the denial from this…,” said Yvonne Coldeweijer.

Solar plexus

RTL Boulevard decided to remove the fragment of the ‘denial’ Wendy from Instagram and changed the headline on its website to the more neutral ‘Wendy about rumored love break-up.’ Because Aran Bade, the leader of all the gossip boys and girls at Boulevard, also has serious doubts.

Aran thinks Wendy is just talking gibberish. “Yes, I can feel in my solar plexus that something is not right here. Isn’t it a very strange answer when you think about it? It’s a very long answer. ‘I invoke my right to remain silent’, I would almost say. Yes, it is a private matter ultimately between them as to what they may have decided.”


According to Aran, it is very strange what is going on. Because why did Erland suddenly, and only in his name, buy a very expensive apartment in Rotterdam? They didn’t ask Wendy that.

Presenter Luuk Ikink: “Maybe the Facebook status is just that it is complicated. It’s complicated.”

Vivienne van den Assem: “A new form, a new form.”

Aran: “Well, a new form, and we also have to wait until we see the first photo of them together again, because it wasn’t there yesterday. So I’m curious about that. The answer remains a bit vague.”

No answer

Private boss Evert Santegoeds thinks it’s just a bumblebee, he says in the podcast Strictly Private. “They don’t answer and neither does management. Then something is going on, I think, but they haven’t said anything about it yet. Different from last time, when Erland was very open.”

He concludes: “I think they are waiting for something and then the story will come, because if you ever want a new love in your life, you will first have to go through this sour apple.”
