Wendy van Dijk acts very strange in front of the RTL Boulevard camera: ‘Bye!!’

Wendy van Dijk appeared on a red carpet for the first time in a long time yesterday. While Shownieuws was not allowed to ask about Erland Galjaard, she did reveal something about it to RTL Boulevard.


The band Kane has received its own documentary on Videoland and the premiere was yesterday. Many celebrities were there, including Wendy van Dijk and her son Sem. The show media jumped on it because Wendy is currently hot news because of her alleged relationship troubles with Erland Galjaard.

Vague Wendy

According to her colleagues at Shownieuws, Wendy did not want to talk about these rumors on camera, but gossip journalist Lex Uiting from RTL Boulevard managed to get some quotes from her. Lex always pretends that he finds juice and noise about celebrities so objectionable, but when push comes to shove he asks exactly the same questions as all his colleagues.

The only difference? Lex takes an extremely long run-up. The result? Wendy talks about her relationship with Erland in such a vague and roundabout way that even the moon sisters would be confused.

Intense time

Lex deftly guides the conversation to the alleged relationship troubles: “You are talking about a tough time, Wendy. It seems really bad to me that you are in such a potentially intense time with the media and I don’t know much… Why are you on such a red carpet anyway?”

Wendy: “Yes, but you know…”

Lex: “You don’t feel like doing this at all, do you?”

Wendy: “Yes, but you know, I’ve been in the business for 25 years, so I can share that very easily. Nothing goes for my friends. I mean, these are my friends.”

Private concerns

So a favor to friends? Lex: “Are you really doing this for Kane and for the boys?”

Wendy: “Yes, but also for myself. I mean, I want to be here.”

Lex: “But all those difficult questions, maybe you’ve had them, about private concerns?”

Wendy: “No, no, no, there are no difficult questions and there is nothing complicated about it at all. There is a lot of hassle, but now I know: outside world stuff. And I know how to deal with outside world stuff very well. As long as the inner world is good!”

“Okay with you guy?”

Lex: “So if you get the question: is it okay between you and your guy, then you can just answer that?”

Wendy: “Then I say: the inner world is completely good.”

That’s not a direct answer to the question. Lex: “Luckily.”

Wendy: “Yes, great!”

Lex: “You’re just in love.”

Wendy: “Yes, for a long time.”

The big question is: on whom?

Outside world

Lex: “It’s going just fine.”

Sem: “Luckily.”

Lex: “Then that is also out of the question.”

Wendy: “Well, no, that doesn’t matter at all, because it’s not out of the world yet, because to the outside world it’s never out of the world, but that doesn’t matter. It’s okay.”

Lex: “It seems so difficult to me that you have to read all that about yourself. I can hardly imagine that.”


Wendy states that she does not follow reporting in show media such as RTL Boulevard about her relationship troubles at all. “I don’t read it either. Believe me: if you have been in the business for 25 years or more, you can handle it really well.”

Lex: “Erland and Wendy are normal happy together?”

And then Wendy again does not give a direct answer to the question. She starts laughing and says, “ByeiiiI!!!”

The editors of RTL Boulevard think it is clear: ‘Wendy denies rumors of love break’, reads the headline.

Time will tell…
