Weltbild D2C Group buys the Vamos bell brand

The sell-off at the insolvent Klingel trading group continues.

On Thursday, the Weltbild D2C Group announced that it would take over the Vamos shoe label, which belongs to the Klingel Group, on January 31, 2024. The aim is “to further expand the product range of the Weltbild brand Orbisana with this acquisition in the area of ​​healthy shoes,” explained the future owner.

Klingel managing director Cord Henrik Schmidt saw the sale as another success: “The sale of the Klingel brands is progressing. This is to be seen as positive,” he explained in a statement. “We are also in promising negotiations for other brands in the group.”

The Klingel umbrella company K – Mail Order GmbH & Co. KG filed for bankruptcy in May. Since August it has been going through insolvency proceedings under self-administration. According to the company, the plan is to cease business operations at the end of January. Numerous of the group’s brands have already been sold as part of the process.
