Well Winnie the Pooh also got a horror film for Bambi: “Het shady hertje wordt a moordmachine” | Instagram HLN

Many details are not known about ‘Bambi: The Reckoning’. In the original Disney film, which was released in 1942, hetje reads z’n moeder in a tragic manner. Op the noodlottige beurtenis zou de nieuwe horrorprent verder islands. “Bambi wil wraak nemen en ruimt iedereen uit de weg die z’n plan dwarsboomt”, het latches. “Het wordt een erg duistere hervertelling van het lieflijke verhaal dat iedereen kent”, says director Scott Jeffrey on a film site ‘Dread Central’. “Bambi says a common ground machine.”

Jeffrey works for the film together with producer Rhys Frake-Waterfield. The last director of the horror show rond ‘Winnie the Pooh’, which disappeared a year later. Most of the duo eveneens works on a close version of ‘Peter Pan’.
