Well weer Syrian and Iranian diplomats in Saoedi-Arabië | Buitenland

When the agreement was reached, both ministers de hoop stated that Syrië zijn “natuurlijke rol in de Arabe wereld kan hervatten”. There should be consulates in both countries and there must be Syria and Saoedi-Arabia here. Saoedi-Arabië also has plans for president Bashar al-Assad for the first time it is necessary for the next top conference of the Arab League to take place on May 19.

Saoedi-Arabia and other Arab countries broke up diplomatic relations with Syria in 2011 because of the fact that they had opted out of overheating against foreigners protesting against President Assad. In the open weken ontmoette Mekdad al hoogwaardigheidbekleders uit Egypte en Jordanië.

Also Tussen Iran in Saoedi-Arabië lijkt toenadering te zijn. The big country ministers of both landed in Beijing and the first official meeting was in 2016. Wednesday the Iranian diplomats arrived in Riyadh with the Iranian ambassador here. Iran in Saoedi-Arabië spent the beginning of 2016 de relations nadat in Saoedi-Arabië a Sjiitische Geestelijke was geëxecuteerd en in Tehran de Saoedi Ambassade was stormed. Iran is overwhelmingly Sji’ite. Also in de oorlog in Yemen staan ​​de landen tegenover elkaar.
